Knight Ryeder is Doc’s take on the classic bourbon and cola. Most bourbon colas start with a quality bourbon which are then mixed with a super sweet, high fructose corn syrup laden global brand-named cola that crushes the flavor of the whiskey and leaves you with a headache. Doc would never do that. His Knight RyeDer starts with an all-natural kola that perfectly complements his small batch rye. Doc uses rye instead of bourbon to create a slightly different, spicier flavor. Obviously, nothing artificial. No high fructose corn syrup ever. Drink smart. It’s the Doc’s orders!

You should get a big kola aroma with hints of vanilla. Your first sip should have a big full kola flavor up front, followed by subtle rye in the middle and then a nice clean finish. Every sip after that should mellow out with time. To mellow it out even further, pour over ice and/or garnish with a lime.